“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth…”

Abby lost both of her front teeth this week! The first was on the same day as her cousin Lydia lost one of her front teeth too! I swore they must have made some kind of tooth losing pact and spent hours slamming doors attached by string to their teeth, but they say they really just wiggled out. 🙂 the tooth fairy is becoming quite the frequent visitor at the Wessler house these days!

Here’s a picture of Abby and her adorably empty mouth. (She has a great lisp!) Ellie just wanted her picture taken too.




Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

2 thoughts to ““All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth…””

  1. I think the cousins DID have a tooth wiggling pact! At least, Lydia confessed she wiggled hers out because Abby’s came out – not to be outdone. (Where does she get this competitive edge?!?!). I love the part about the lisp, and the pic. of Ellie is too cute too! Love to you all!

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