Christmas 2010 – Episode Two – the Wesslers

So, Christmas #2 was held at the Grandparents Wessler Household. The day consisted of a dinner of a most excellent cut of beef complete with green bean casserole, hollandaise sauce, biscuits, stuffed mushroom, and Chocolate Cake Explosion To Make Deadly With Your Diet! We went to the Lessons and Carols church service and then came back for gifts! We all made out like bandits and had to DRAG Abby to the car.

As an aside, when we got home, we were putting her to bed (after tracking Santa at the NORAD Santa website). We were getting reading to say our prayers when we heard a large truck drive by. Abby got a worried look on her face, loudly whispered “IT’S SANTA!” and then flung herself onto her pillow and promptly fell asleep! I hope it’s like this every year. She’s so adorable!

Don’t forget to check out the other Christmas Episodes: One, Three, and Four


Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

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