Visit to the Maryland Zoo

I’ve been a bit delinquent in downloading my photos from my camera lately so I’m going to do a few update blogs today from this spring.

In March Abby and I went to Baltimore to visit my family and the MD zoo. It was the baby elephant, Sampson’s 3rd birthday so they were having a big zoo-wide party for him. They even made him a cake out of corn bread, iced with mashed potatoes, and decorated with vegetables! Abby had a ball taking pictures, looking at all the animals, and even riding a few rides. Here’s just a few pictures of the day.


Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

One thought to “Visit to the Maryland Zoo”

  1. The one of Abby getting her face painted could actually be Lydia. I did a double take. Let’s get these girls together!!

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