Halloween 2009


Hehe…I thought that was funny. We wanted to share some pictures from Halloween this year. We went over to a friend’s house like last year. The theme was El Dia de los Muertos. We had been tossing around a Muppet theme and had to think fast to somehow cram our idea into the party theme. So, we came up with Lucha Libre Muppets!! Kermit, Robin, and Miss Piggy – as wrestlers.

Tricia worked for about three weeks making up patterns, cutting, and sewing like a fiend. In the end, we got some GREAT costumes. Not everyone picked up on the fact that Abby was Robin, Kermit’s cousin, but we blamed that on the fact that he didn’t get a lot of air time. It turned into Big Kermit and Little Kermit. Tricia glammed out with her costume and wore a fancy dress from the 70’s with some great jewelry. We had a blast. Abby trick-or-treated at about three houses before announcing that it was now time to go home. She’s been carrying around those three pieces of candy all day.

So, here are a couple of pictures from last night. Look at the detail work Tricia put into the costumes!!



Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

2 thoughts to “Halloween 2009”

  1. Great costumes! Looks like you had a fun time! Love the close-up of the three of you! Perfect! Gonna get that one printed!

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