
It’s a beautiful week for the leaves down here in the Hampton Roads area. Abby and I went to Colonial Williamsburg for a picnic lunch on Duke of Gloucester St on Tues and she had a ball running all around the capital building and kicking up leaves! Last night there was a big storm so […]

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Halloween 2010!!!

Greetings all! Well, it certainly has been a long time since I have posted a good set of photos of our favorite little girl. We’ll blame that on the move, the new job, the studying for upcoming boards, the 33rd birthday (I’M OLD!!), and the countless other excuses I have for not getting my camera […]

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The Littlest Bride

Abby has become very interested in brides lately. They’re referenced in all the Disney princess stories, we recently had the wedding of Matt and Carley, and we’re attending the wedding of my cousin Sue in a week and a half, so brides have been in our regular conversation a lot. She asked me this morning […]

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Children’s Museum

We’ve recently purchased a membership at the Portsmouth Children’s Museum downtown. It’s currently under major construction (it looks like it’s going to be awesome), so they’ve moved a few of the exhibits to a small office space down the street temporarily until the new one opens in April 2011. It’s small, but Abby really enjoys […]

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