RtR Food Fest – #2

Okay, here’s the post for Wednesday. Day Two! Started off at the Children’s Museum of Richmond. Abby had so much fun running around playing in the water tub, the Enchanted Forrest, Pirate Ship, Giant Train, and fake sand pit. She didn’t know where to start and would spend 2 minutes doing something before running off […]

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Summer fun continues!

As we near the end of July and the soon-to-be beginning of our relocation from DC to VA, Abby continues to find lots of ways to beat the heat and enjoy the height of summer! Here’s a few pics of our fun times…notice they’re mostly inside (it’s hard to play outside when it’s 100+ degrees).

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Abby Videos…

Greetings all… Wanted to remind you that all of Abby’s Headshot videos are available on Vimeo.com. Here are the individual links. The front page video has been updated to the Season 3 video. Enjoy, J Okay, just noticed that Season One isn’t online yet – i’ll get back to you on that!. Season Two. Season […]

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Keeping Busy

Summer is here and Abby and I are keeping busy with things to do. It’s been a little harder lately since the weather has been stifling, but Abby is great at findings ways to entertain herself indoors. Here’s a few cute moments I caught on “film”.

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Howdy all, That’s right – more pictures. It’s been a busy week for us and we wanted to share. Below the jump, you’ll find photos of Abby on the Merry-go-Round at the Columbia Mall. It’s her favorite thing to do and, despite both Mommy AND Daddy’s motion sickness, we got to ride TWICE!! Then, photos […]

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