Play Dough Monsters

What to do with a couple of cabin-fevered girls during a hurricane? Make play dough monsters! Thanks to Pinterest, I found a recipe for homemade play dough and an idea to use noodles and googley eyes to make some Halloween fun. The girls had a “ball,” get it? 🙂 Ball of dough… Enjoy the pics!

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Carter Mountain

We were able to go to Carter Mountain this past weekend up in Charlottesville.  We stayed in a GREAT little apartment Tricia found on Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO).  Tom and Polly were the most gracious of hosts and the girls really enjoyed the two bedroom apartment at the back of their house.  They had […]

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Honeygo Run Park

We’re in Baltimore this weekend for Aunt Amanda’s Wedding!  Friday was a “down day” and the girls were getting a bit cabin-fever-y. So, we went to the park.  I took the camera along and the three of us ran around outside for about an hour and a half.  Then, it was off to the Ravage […]

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