Saturday Fun Time

The girls and I had a nice Saturday, packed with fun activities despite the grey and rainy weather. We had a lazy morning (well the girls did…they had computer time while I cleaned). We eventually got dressed and went to lunch at Jimmy Johns. Yum! Then we walked down the block to the Children’s museum […]

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Abby’s Japan project

Abby had to do a project on a country of her choice at school. She chose Japan…a wise choice given her Grandparents/Mom lived there for 5 years! She worked on it for more than a month and finally presented it yesterday. It went great! A PowerPoint presentation. An oral presentation with a poster and note […]

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Charity Games

This week is Abby’s last week of school and they were all half days. Monday was the annual Feild day at TLS, also known as The Charity Games. Abby was on the Gold Team this year. Relays, races, bounce houses, and a picnic lunch complete with happy birthday cupcakes for Abby! We don’t even know […]

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