Charity Games

This week is Abby’s last week of school and they were all half days. Monday was the annual Feild day at TLS, also known as The Charity Games. Abby was on the Gold Team this year.

Relays, races, bounce houses, and a picnic lunch complete with happy birthday cupcakes for Abby! We don’t even know who technically won, but the kids didn’t even notice because they were having too much fun! Ellie tried so hard to keep up with the big kids. Needless to say, she came close to actually doing so!

It was beautiful 80 degree weather at the Newport News park where it was held. Here are a few pics of the morning.







Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

One thought to “Charity Games”

  1. Oh man, if they get any cuter – we’re just going to have to come down and steal them!! Love it!

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