Disney World…part 3

Editors Note: Please don’t forget to check out Part 1 and Part 2.


Okay. Part three. If you’ve made it this far…congrats! You have more stamina than I do. I had to stop after Part 2 and go to bed. It’s now “tomorrow” and I’m going to finish this out.


Part 3 covers 2 days because of the differentness of our last day. More on that in a second.


Day 3 was Epcot. We got up early for an early morning breakfast with all the Princesses. Daddy got to re-create Abby’s Princess make-up while mommy was getting dressed. Apparently, it DOES matter what light you put your make-up on in. I thought I had to put quite a bit on to get the eye shadow to show up…turns out, it was the dark lighting in the hotel room. When we got outside, Abby looked like…well, I can’t say. But use your imagination!


We went to Epcot for our breakfast and got in early. Had an EXCELLENT meal with all the Princesses. We spent the day in Epcot and just toured around. Lunch was at the Biergarten and then back to the hotel for a nap. We came back that night for the Epcot fireworks, Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. Abby didn’t seem too interested, but she has talked a lot about that night since.


Day 4 was a pick-up day at the Magic Kingdom. BUT, it rained ALL day. So, we got soaking wet and didn’t really get to do much except walk around. We had lunch and then headed back to the hotel for Mickey’s Rule (nap time). Dinner was at Hollywood Studios where we got our “cut the line” passes for the fireworks show Fantasmic! Thankfully, the rain stayed at “mist” level and the show went off without a hitch. By the end of the night, Abby was watching the fireworks without covering her ears! What an achievement!! We headed home and were able to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks from our balcony one last time. Perfect symmetry. It was an awesome ending to an awesome vacation.


That’s just a sampling of the hours of stories we have. Hope you enjoyed the photos!







Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

5 thoughts to “Disney World…part 3”

  1. Looks like it was an awesome time!
    She looks so cute all dressed up.

    Take care,

  2. Well, those pictures are awesome, but the captions below them are priceless! Can I get a copy of one of the ones with a Princess? I want to hang it on the wall. I am so happy you guys had such a great time!!!!!

  3. I totally concur about the awesome photos and the comments, which had me rolling with laughter! Thanks!!

  4. Terrific pictures! Nothing like experiencing Disneyland through the eyes of a child! Glad you guys had such a great time!

  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them ALL! They take you right there, amazing, but that is what you do Jacob–wonderful! I have to say though, the transformation from Abby to Princess were sooo exciting, I could hardly wait to see the finnished product, and it was—well—priceless!

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