Ellie Headshots Season One!!

It’s FINALLY here!!

I finished Elizabeth’s first headshots video.  Here it is in all its glory.  12 months of crazy Bean-y action.  It is only fitting that I finish the video in the same week that she breaks her arm!

The video is embedded below but you can watch it in High Definition by clicking here.




Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

5 thoughts to “Ellie Headshots Season One!!”

  1. Great! She is simply adorable. I love the foot picture. Excellent work, once again, Jacob!

  2. LOVE IT!!! Such creativity (two, three, four. . . giggle!) and a wide variety of Ellie-espressions. Great sync to the music. So much fun to watch!!

  3. Fantastic job Jacob! Amazing how quickly time passes! Can’t believe little Ellie is over a year old already! Amazing to watch both our beautiful granddaughters grow up right before our eyes!

  4. I can’t get enough of the headshots! They always make me cry! 🙂 This is beautiful Jacob! Love and miss you all lots!

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