Ellie Turns Two!!!

So, Elizabeth turned two today.

She was quite the cutie-pie running around with Abby in the kitchen and just being all-around cute.

Tricia and I both worked today so we didn’t see her until after work.  We all went out to get some pizza and cake and brought it home to eat.  Ellie did great with the Doritos and PapaJohns (two of her favorites!).  We had a little break and then tore into the cake!

While I was working on her birthday hat (JUST realized we didn’t take a picture of her in it today!  We’ll do that tomorrow) last night, Abby drew her a birthday card on the computer.  She’s quite the talented artist.  She drew Thomas the Train saying “Toot Toot” and then wished Ellie a happy birthday.  Here’s the card:


And some more pics…



Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

3 thoughts to “Ellie Turns Two!!!”

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE!!!! Your cake looks like fun and I love the serious nature with which you approached the blowing out of the candle. This bodes well for future endeavors–well done!

  2. I LOVE IT!!! I’m sitting at my desk laughing! As soon as I saw the pictures of her blowing out her candles all I could think about is she is a red headed Jacob! Happy birthday sweet Ellie! We hope you have a great time with your gift! We love you all lots!

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