“Go Swimmin’?”


Jacob caught this golden moment the other day when Abby was downstairs helping me do laundry.  She was playing with her swim gear and begging me to take her “swimmin’ at da poo,” when I turned around and saw her in the most hilarious and adorable get-up ever!  Yes, that’s her swim diaper on her head!  I laugh out loud every time I see this picture.  The swim diaper has now become one of her favorite hats to parade around the house in.


Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

5 thoughts to ““Go Swimmin’?””

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I was in class when i saw this and it took every ounce of effort not to laugh out loud at this. Too cute 😀

  2. Hey, I’m ready for hot weather too little Ms. Abby! Which way to the pool? Love ya honey bunch.

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