Gunpowder State Park

Abby and I spent Saturday at Gunpowder State Park with Mimi, Pop Pop, and Cousin Jordan. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and we found a nice shaded spot under a tree to camp out and have a picnic lunch. Abby loved running down on to the small sandy beach front they have there. It was perfect for her since there were only tiny lapping waves and she could go about 10 feet from the shore and the water was only up to her chin. She was so brave in the water! She couldn’t get enough of digging in the sand and making Mommy walk her 1/4 mile down the shore to the pavilion where the bathrooms were for a potty break. After four false alarms I finally caught on! She’s a little cheeky Piglet sometimes! Lots of sunscreen kept us burn free, and a great day was had by all!

“Miss you Daddy! Hope you’re having fun with the boys who wear Togas!”


Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

One thought to “Gunpowder State Park”

  1. I love this park myself. It is so close and there is a farm stand on the way home with yummy veggies. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

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