Halloween 2010!!!

Greetings all!

Well, it certainly has been a long time since I have posted a good set of photos of our favorite little girl. We’ll blame that on the move, the new job, the studying for upcoming boards, the 33rd birthday (I’M OLD!!), and the countless other excuses I have for not getting my camera out of its bag and actually pushing the shutter.

I’ll tell you, I had such a great time making these images. It felt so good to be back behind the camera – really reminded me how much I enjoy taking pictures.

SOOOOO, here’s a set of a dozen from this past weekend. You’ve got pumpkin carving, costumes, and a special treat. You gotta hand it to Tricia – she certainly can come up with some AWESOME outfits. (see here and here.) This year’s theme was butterflies!


P.S. Since you made it this far. Here’s a little Halloween treat for your desktop at home.
Click here if you have an iMac or other large screen.
Otherwise, click here.


Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

5 thoughts to “Halloween 2010!!!”

  1. These pictures were so much fun! I have to hand it to the photographer for taking some more amazing shots. Jacob really made our costumes “come to life” this year!

  2. This picture of Abby and the sky is as good as the one where she was looking inside the pumpkin light. Please copy one for me for my front wall….love love love it!

  3. Clara thought Abby was so beautiful in her costume. The pictures are fantastic. I am quite impressed with the pumpkin carving skills. I love the picture of Tricia and Abby with the finished pumpkin!

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