Headshots Season 4!

So, here it is. Season 4 of the Headshots video. I hope you enjoy it. Early reviews are that it is awesome – I hope you agree.

We’ve had a lot of posts today so don’t forget to check these out as well:
Visit to the Maryland Zoo
Easter 2011
Happy Birthday Abby



Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

10 thoughts to “Headshots Season 4!”

  1. WOW! That was totally AMAZING! Best one yet Jacob! What a beautiful little girl, growing right before our eyes. Abby you truly are amazing, just the way you are! Love you guys!

  2. Yep, I cried. Speaking of amazing, she has some pretty amazing parents. Great work – on the video and on raising such a wonderful little girl!

  3. I watch it over and over and I think it gets better every time! Jacob, you’re amazing…Abby gets it from you!

  4. I cried and cried when I watched it for the first time. Then I watched it at work and cried some more! It looks so professional! You have out done yourself, Jacob! Abigail is such an easy target with those beautiful eyes and vibrant personality!

  5. Oh my! This gave me goosebumps and then tears!!! How wonderful! What an incredible memory keeper for Abby—and Jacob, you are amazing!!!

  6. I second all the above responses!!! A beautiful video of a beautiful little girl. Loved the solo a the end! Happy Birthday, Abby!! (nice work, Jacob!!)

  7. I have seen this three times and cried every time. Today I showed it to Alissa and said I was NOT going to cry—CRIED!!!! She was just as amazed as we all are. Such a wonderful, beautiful piece of work! What a beautiful Abby!

  8. My favorite was her singing at the end! She is so gorgeous! The quick look at each picture from birth to now is amazing! You did a magnificent job Jacob!


    Aunt Carley

  9. Absolutely amazing… the video, the music, EVERYTHING! You guys have one adorable little (but getting bigger!) girl! Kudos to you both on doing such a great job with such a sweet and beautiful young lady!

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