
We got to see our first snow today. Happened during breakfast (having Uncle Matt around is a GREAT excuse for Eggs Benedict!!!). We had to take Abby outside to see the snow seeing as how this is her first real snow (at least that she can remember).

Hit “more” to see the pictures of the Hnow-Piglet.







Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

3 thoughts to “hnow…”

  1. Wow! I love to see pictures of Abby, I can’t get enough of them!!! The video is amazing! Of course, being her grandma it makes me miss her so much more! Keep up the good work! Love you!

  2. You call that snow?!?!?! Seriously, come see us and WE’LL show you some “hnow!!” i do love how interested she seems, though.

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