Keeping Busy

Summer is here and Abby and I are keeping busy with things to do. It’s been a little harder lately since the weather has been stifling, but Abby is great at findings ways to entertain herself indoors. Here’s a few cute moments I caught on “film”.


Wife of Jacob. Mother of Abby and Elizabeth. Writer of Posts.

3 thoughts to “Keeping Busy”

  1. Abby is getting so tall and she is more beautiful than ever!!! I would love to see the three of you some time soon! Let me know what your busy schedule looks like!

    LOVE YOU!!!


  2. Oh goodness!! Those baby blue eyes!! She is so cute, I can’t take it! I see she had a tea party. I’m so having one with her eventually. hahaha! I Looooove tea parties. 🙂

  3. I love that she wears her headbands just like Lydia does: right on her hairline, where all the hair flops back in her face anyway! They are wonderful girls! Thanks for sharing the pics!

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