Nags Head 2011

Greetings all,

We just got back from an AWESOME week at the beach down in Nags Head, NC. We spent the last 7 days in Jockey’s Ridge Haven (why do they INSIST on naming their houses?? It’s so weird). This was a very nice, modern, 3-story house with 8 bedrooms and more bathrooms than I could count. We had a very nice deck with a view of the house-across-the-street’s view of the ocean!

BUT, we had central air AND an in-ground pool so they can take their on-the-beach access and stuff it!

We were there with Tricia’s grandparents, her father’s family, her Aunt/Uncle, and a couple of cousins and their families. All-in-all there were 20 of us with 6 kids under the age of 10! We had our hands full.

The day consisted of waking up at 0630 – NOT a good idea to put all the kids in the same room if sleep is on the agenda! We had breakfast and then meandered out to the beach. Stayed on the beach sunning for 4 hours or so and then made it back to the house for lunch. Naptime was next followed by a few hours in the backyard pool. Dinner and then bedtime. Games for the adults (editing photos for Jacob) and then repeat.

We got to go to a putt-putt golf course, gorge on donuts, cook family style for everyone, and just have an all-around great time. All the kids cried when we left and Abby asked if we could come back tomorrow!

I took over 1000 photos but was able to narrow those down to 460! I have posted them all here for you to view! KIDDING. I picked out my top 36 favorites. These are just of my little microcosm of a family – there are TONS more with other people’s kids that are just as good.

It’s nice to be home in our own space but we certainly had a PHENOMENAL time down at the beach. Tricia is “on service” next week and I’m on call the week after! Back to the grindstone.



Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

5 thoughts to “Nags Head 2011”

  1. These are GREAT photos!! Looks like it was a wonderful vacation for everyone. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What wonderful pictures capturing such wonderful memories! Fun time had by all!

  3. The family pictures are beautiful, your talent with photography knows no bounds!!! I love all of these pictures! It looks and sounds like you all had a magnificent time! We look forward to seeing you next week!

    Love Always,

    Aunt Carley and Uncle Rudy

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