Woodsy Photo Shoot…

A while back, we received some very beautiful summer dresses from some good friends of ours (Hello the Eberts!). I have been meaning to do a photo shoot with the girls for quite some time so we can show off the dresses.


I FINALLY got to that item on the to-do list today! We dressed the girls in their dresses for church and then decided to head out to Hoffler Creek for some photos.


After much baby wrangling, we came away with about 280 photos! We culled those down to 34 and from those picked out 9 to share with you all.


So here they are – Abby and Ellie in matching, monogrammed dresses. They are absolutely adorable.


Thank you very much to the Eberts for a wonderful gift.





Husband to Tricia. Father to Abbi and Ellie. Writer of the code...html, that is.

6 thoughts to “Woodsy Photo Shoot…”

  1. They are BEAUTIFUL! I can’t believe how grown up they both are! Gorgeous girls! Love you all lots!

  2. Well, OK, you did it this time , just a little bit more than a tear! They are both getting so big and so BEAUTIFUL, WOW!!! Elizabeth is so beautiful, she looks like a doll. Love you all and miss you all so much!

  3. Love it, love it, love it! The colors are stunning – nice use of green and brown and the pop of the lilac dresses. How did you manage to keep the tights WHITE?? Wow! So, copies to me are in the mail? 😉

  4. Awwww…what little cuties!! And what a talented Daddy (and Mommy, but that is a given!!). These are timeless and the colors are gorgeous!

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